Welcome to Office of the Chief Proctor

Dr. Farooq Hussain
Chief Proctor
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Office of the Chief Proctor falls under the umbrella of University Discipline Committee according to the Model Statutes 2016 Section 13 Para (i), (ii) and (iii) regarding Student Affairs/Discipline. The Office of the Chief Proctor is located in the Department of English at PCA Building.
The Chief Proctor is the Head of the Proctorial Board that is responsible for maintaining discipline on all campuses. Deputy Chief Proctor is to be nominated by Chief Proctor in consultation with the competent authority. The Board works closely with all the security personals and with other offices to ensure a peaceful academic environment on all the campuses. Any concerns regarding discipline should be directed to one of the proctors or senior proctors on their respective campuses or to the Chief Proctor. The Proctorial Board AWKUM envisions a balanced academic attitude and training of minds so as to accept willingly the rules regulations. The urge for the smooth running of the university affairs is sometimes counteracted by conflict among the students where energy is wasted and nothing remains to devote to the task of learning process. If the wild impulses in human (students) nature are not molded, controlled or checked, restrained and sublimated, they produce not only disorder in the academics but also cause considerable frustration in the minds of individuals. Uncontrolled expressions of individuals lead to clash and conflict between them which turn academic and social disintegration in institutions. In such a state, no progress is possible at all. It creates tension, uncertainty and ultimately disorder. But if the individuals and groups control their impulses and eccentricities, and obey a certain discipline then far reaching results may be achieved, leading ultimately to the welfare of the students, the university and of the nation as a whole. Thus we must accept noble ideals and the guidance of our chosen leaders. In every organized effort, where many take part, there must be one person in command. Supporting and following this leader is no shame, rather it is the noblest virtue. The Proctorial Board (AWKUM) will make students and staff of AWKUM yield to discipline in order to achieve a higher purpose.