The College of veterinary sciences and Animal Husbandry was established in August 2014 with the approval of syndicate of the Abdul wali khan university Mardan. and was properly notified by the registrar of the said university. The fee and essential requirement Performa were submitted to the Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Islamabad for accreditation and in process. Our mission in the College of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry is to provide undergraduate and graduate veterinarian with excellent academic preparation, research experience and market-oriented skill. This allows us to offer a wide range of courses and seminars in various disciplines of veterinary and animal sciences.
Veterinary Sciences are central to our understanding of the world. Veterinarian seeks to discover the fundamental principles that treat the sick animals, its management, rearing and production to cater to the need of the communities. The college of veterinary sciences and animal husbandry Abdul wali khan university Mardan strives to create an environment that enables teaching and research to attain high levels of excellence and in which its members can achieve their full potential.
Presently, 50 students are enrolled in the DVM degree program in fall semester 2014.
Vision Statement:
The college of veterinary sciences and animal Husbandry Abdul wali khan University Mardan to be the leading veterinary institution of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with global recognition due to teaching and research. We are a friendly environment in the college and participatory practice-based approaches for the promotion of our students to veterinary education, Professional skill and state of the art research.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the college of veterinary sciences and animal Husbandry is to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate veterinary education, research and market-oriented professional skill graduate for development of livestock sector of the country. Our understanding of how animals function and interact has grown explosively in recent years. New biological and influence everything from veterinary medical care to global economic development. We in the college of veterinary sciences are solved the basic and emerging needs in the field of veterinary and animal sciences through our research. We study parasites, bacteria, viruses, cells, organisms, its epidemiology, treatment and prophylactic measure in animals and to uncover mechanisms of infection biology, Parasitology, Molecular biology, Physiology, Endocrinology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Fisheries, Entomology and Virology. We also focus our research in management and production of the poultry birds, dairy animals and genetic potential change in the existing breed of the livestock. We also care about the preservation of wildlife fauna and zoo animals in the country.
The following are the objectives of the college,
1. To produce quality graduates having knowledge and professional skills compatible with jobs and development to national and international level.
2. To research the veterinary field for minimizing the livestock and poultry losses to enhance the economic resources of the community.
3. to ensure the provision of safe and quality animal origin food to the human population.
4. To play a role in a genetic potential change in existing breed of livestock and poultry bird to produce more milk, meat, wool and eggs.