- Syndicate.—(—(1) The Syndicate shall consist of,-
- the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be its Chairperson;
2[(b) a retired judge to be nominated by Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court;]
3[(c) all the Deans of the faculties of the University;]
4[(d) Secretary of the relevant administrative Department or his nominee not below the rank of an Additional Secretary;]
5[(e) the Secretary to Government, Higher Education Department, or his nominee not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary;]
- the Secretary to Government, Establishment Department, or his nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
- the Secretary to Government, Finance Department, or his nominee not below the rank of Additional Secretary;
6[(h) two Principals (preferably one male and one female) of affiliated colleges to be nominated by the Academic Council;]
1[(i) one Professor, one Associate Professor, one Assistant Professor and one Lecturer of the University to be elected by
teachers of their respective cadres in the manner as may be prescribed by Statutes;]
2[(j) One Principal or Chairman or Director of the Teaching Department or Institute or Centre to be elected from amongst themselves in accordance with the prescribed Statutes;]
3[(k) one administrative officer to be elected from amongst themselves in a manner as may be prescribed by Statutes;]
4[(l) Registrar;]
5[(m) Treasurer;]
6[(n) one nominee of the Commission not below the rank of an advisor or member;]
7[(o) one person of eminence to be nominated by the Chancellor;] and
(p) two University Administrative Officers to be elected from amongst all the Administrative Officers in the prescribed manner.
(2) The members of the Syndicate, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for three years.
8[(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Syndicate shall be two-third of its total members a fraction being counted as one excluding the vacant categories, wherever applicable.]
9[(3A) At least three members of the Syndicate shall be female.]
(4) The Syndicate shall meet at least once in each quarter of the year.
- Powers and functions of the Syndicate.—(1) The Syndicate shall be the executive body of the University and shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, exercise general supervision over the affairs and management of the
- Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, and subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the Syndicate shall have the powers to-
1[(a) consider the annual report, the annual plan of work including key performance indicators to be set up by the University, the statements of Accounts, the annual and revised budget estimates and to submit these to the Senate;]
2[(a-i) hold, control and lay down policy for the administration of the property, funds and investments of the University, including the approval of the sale and purchase or acquisition of movable and immovable property;]
3[(b) transfer and accept transfer of movable and immovable property on behalf of the University;]
- enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;
- cause proper books of account to be kept for all sums of money received and expended by the University and for the assets and liabilities of the University;
- invest any money belonging to the University including any unapplied income in any of the securities described in section 20 of the Trusts Act, 1882 (Act II of 1882), or in the purchase of immovable property or in such other manner, as it may prescribe, with the like power of varying such investments;
- receive and manage any property transferred, and grants, bequests, trust, gifts, donations, endowments, and other contributions made to the University;
- administer any funds placed at the disposal of the University for specified purposes;
- provide the buildings, libraries, premises, furniture, apparatus, equipment and other means required for carrying out the affairs of the University;
- establish and maintain halls of residence and hostels, as 1[far] as possible;
- affiliate or disaffiliate educational institutions;
- arrange for the inspection of colleges, institutions and the Teaching Departments;
- institute Professorships, Associate Professorships, Assistant Professorships, Lecturer ships, and other teaching posts or to suspend or abolish such posts;
2[(m) subject to this Act, appoint Teachers, officers and other employees on the recommendation of the Selection Board in BPS-17 and above in accordance with the prescribed Statutes;]
3[(m-i) suspend, punish, remove and dismiss from service, the Officers and Teachers of the University in Basic Pay Scale 17 to 21 in accordance with the prescribed Statutes;]
4[(m-ii)promote the officers of the administrative cadre to the next higher scale on such terms and conditions in accordance with the prescribed statutes;]
(n) create, suspend or abolish such administrative or other posts as may be necessary;
5[(o) prescribe powers and duties of officers, teachers and other employees of the university;]
- report to the Senate on matters with respect to which it has been asked to report;
- propose drafts of Statutes for submission to the Senate;
- regulate the conduct and discipline of the students of the University;
- take actions necessary for the good administration of the University in general and to this end exercise such powers as are necessary;
- delegate any of its powers to any Authority or Officer or a committee; 1[Deleted]
2[(t-i) prescribe conditions under which the University may enter into agreements with other institutions for with public bodies for purposes of research and advisory services; and]
- perform such other functions as have been assigned to it by the provisions of this Act or the Statutes made