The department of sociology is a significant seat of learning. During coming decades, it is hoped, it will produce well groomed and well balanced individuals-traits that will be indispensable to successful sociologists. They will be rendering services in different settings of community organization and other developments.
We are thankful to Allah that he bestowed upon us a fruitful reward for our efforts to impart knowledge to needy students at their door steps.
My dear students, I appreciate you for your, so far, achievements and advise you to always show your obedience and respect to your parents, teachers and elders because you can reach the heights of success and perfection only through their good wishes and prayers. Make best use of your time for eternal success and be true to yourself, your belief, your parents and Allah Almighty.
The department of Sociology is committed to promote social change, problem solving in human relationships, the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being by utilizing theories, knowledge and skills for the social development of society.