Introduction and Vision of the Department:
International Relations is one of the leading and established Social Science disciplines. Almost all the renowned universities of the world offer courses and award degrees in IR. International Relations has not only kept its traditional position intact but its relevance as a subject is increasing day by day. It is understandable because IR is the study of “the Relations between States”. Although various forms of non-state actors have emerged with time however the state is still the primary actor at an international level. It does not mean, however, that non-state actors are outside the purview of International Relations. It studies not only non-state actors but also other new and emerging trends in the area at national and international level.
The Department of International Relations at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan promotes understanding of International Politics and its intricate linkages with micro-politics through participatory and non-participatory methods of modern education that provides equal opportunities to all the students and related people. Innovation and creativity for the academic and scientific analysis, understanding and comprehension of the existing international, political, social, economic and environmental problems, is the priority of the department. The aim is to produce competitive human capital for the progress and development of society.
Mission of the Department:
The department provides higher learning to students enrolled in Master, undergraduate, MS/M.Phil and PhD programs. The mission is to create and maintain excellence in academics and research through a participatory approach involving both students and the faculty. This will be augmented through periodic talks, lectures, seminars, conferences, and workshops.
The following are the main objectives of the Department of International Relations:
To equip and prepare the students to concentrate on the sub-fields, i.e Political History of the World, Politics of International Economic Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, Regional Studies, Strategic Studies, International Law, and International and Regional Organizations.
. To prepare the students as informed individuals conscious of their responsibility in terms of social rights and civil liberties.
. To help students prepare for successful careers in academia, bureaucracy, national and international institutions, media and governmental and non-government organizations.
. To equip them to carry out responsibilities both individually and as part of a team.