Department of Biochemistry was established in August 2011 to provide a stimulating and diverse research and training environment of international standards, where important and exciting areas of modern Biochemistry and Molecular Biology can be investigated at the molecular level, encompassing both structural and functional approaches. The department, currently, offers M.Sc(two-year degree programme) and M.Phil. The department pursues the research aims through up-to-date equipment and state-of-the-art technologies, the recruitment of high-calibre staff, maintenance of industrial contacts, and fostering of close links and collaborations with the international scientific community. The department’s research has planned to observe various biochemical fields including Clinical Biochemistry, Enzymology, Computational Chemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Nutritional and Metabolic Biochemistry, Plant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Molecular Biology of Human Diseases, Proteomics, Genomics and Cell Biology. Specialist research facilities available at the department include Protein purification (HPLC) and Characterization (UV/visible spectrophotometry, analytical ultracentrifugation)Gas chromatography, Laminarflowhood, PCR, Real-Time PCR, Low-temperature freezers, Autoclave, SDS-PAGE and Blood group testing.
Graduates of Biochemistry usually get employment in well-known Pharmaceutical and food industries of Pakistan. Countless opportunities are available in clinical laboratories, research institutes and teaching Institutions.