The department of economics Garden Campus Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan was established on February 9, 2015, to cater to the needs of quality education and research in Economics in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular and in Pakistan in general. Since the day of its establishment, the department with the help of its dynamic faculty members, specialized in core areas of economics, has significantly contributed to the society by promoting the knowledge of the subject and enlightening the minds of the students. There is a great number of research endeavors under the supervision of eminent researcher which has made us self-important.
At present, the department has the services of 11 full-time faculty members of which four are PhD. The department possesses fully equipped classrooms, computer labs, library, and software for research purpose.
The department is also working to develop the linkages with the line institutions to promote the research carried out by the faculty members as well as students which will help the concerned departments to design sound policy which in the long run will lead to the prosperity of the province in particular and Pakistan in general.
The department is offering various degree programs which include BS, M.Sc, MS and PhD in which183 students are enrolled. Department is also planning to offer other programs/short courses and diplomas shortly.
Department of Economics Vision
The Department of Economics envisions becoming a centre of excellence for advanced economic theory and research.
Department of Economics Mission Statement
The Mission of the Department of Economics is to prepare the students for the pursuit of higher education to develop professional skills by inculcating on students the knowledge of advanced economics theory, practical analytical skills and excellent research ethics for employment in academia, industry, non-governmental organizations, and public sector organizations as well as develop as a responsible human being.
Department of Economics Goal
01. | The students of Economics will learn the core concepts of general economics as well as their chosen specialized field. The Students will be expected to be able to critically understand and analyze an economic problem, suggest policy tools for its solutions, and communicate clearly and concisely to the larger audience through presentations and publishing in reputable journals. |
02. | The Department of Economics to be known for producing quality students and centre of producing quality research and policy analysis (repetition). |
Department of Economics Objectives
The Department of Economics is expected to deliver the following:
01. | To prepare students with the advanced knowledge of both theory and applied policy tools. |
02. | To develop the skills of the students so that they demonstrate the ability to contribute to the body of research in Economics and to suggest policy tools for economic problems. |
03. | Inculcate skills of good written and oral presentations in students. |
04. | Expose students to the issues of ethics in research such as avoiding plagiarisms, privacy, confidentiality and rights of the research subjects. |
05. | To prepare such students who apply theory to practice. |