Pashtu language is the second largest spoken language of Pakistan. It is spoken by more than 50 million people around the globe. It is the only language which does possess the role of a code of conduct for Pakhtuns, too. Although it is the second largest of the country, it’s role as linguistic keeps undesirable issues which need to be addressed. The Pashtu department is focusing not only to develop its traditional role of Pashtu as a vocal language but to identify and solve the linguistic problems through the research. It is the need of the hour to explain, identify and address the issues regarding its “IMLA” and develop and work for its uniformity.
Department of Pashtu Abdul Wali Khan University, established in November 2016 emphasis on the development and promotion of the language, literature, linguistics and culture in light of its tradition, historical and research-based role. The role of Pashtu as maternal language and its growth in filling the gap between society and language is its first cause. The religious, historical, cultural and socio-economical exploration of the Pakthun region is the prime priority with a focus on its folk, literary personnel’s and their contributions. The students of Pashtu language and literature are objected to serving the society, language, literature and linguistics.