Welcome to the Department of Agronomy, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan at Garden Campus. It is one of the newly established departments, facing a challenging environment in the future. The Department is the focus of teaching, learning and research in animal science, crop science, and food science, and contributes to the University’s research. The department has the vision to be a leading provider of industrial oriented agricultural education and research to the community to improve the standard of life and provide food security in the country. Currently, B. Sc. (Hons) programme is in progress. We envisage Agriculture as a faculty from next year and students will be given the choice to select from the few departments by then. We will be offering specialization in Agronomy, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Food Science and possibly few more disciplines. Also, shortly M.Sc. (Hons) and Ph.D programmes will be started as well in these disciplines. Presently, the department is passing through the stages of development. Classrooms, Library and well-equipped Science Laboratories are being set up at the newly built Garden campus where the department will be shifted soon and can benefit from the University’s shared facilities. Farmland will be allocated and designed properly for conducting research trials nearby.
The highly qualified and experienced faculty of the department are committed to delivering quality education in the field of agriculture in a friendly environment. The faculty also intend to produce highly mannered, devoted and enthusiastic graduates and scientists. Our links with research institutions throughout the country allow us to research tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. The department will try its best to provide a wide range of facilities for quality education and research. For the achievements of such goals, hard work with keen interest is the key to success.