Department of Botany is located in the beautiful Garden Campus of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. Department of Botany is the pioneer teaching and research department established simultaneously with the foundation of University in 2009. The mission of the department is to produce world-class graduates capable to fulfill national needs, filling the gaps to link our research with local industry for ultimate indigenization of plant science technology, to keep pace with the emerging trends in plant sciences and accept challenges of competing at the global level. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our graduates to meet the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, health sector, environment, agriculture, forestry, government and NGOs run disease control programs by searching new drugs from plants and microbial sources and unravelling unaddressed molecular questions associated with microorganisms, climate change and environment sector, ecosystem services programs, biodiversity conservation programs, wildlife and rangeland management, establishing botanical gardens and national parks. With an energetic team comprising of world-class scientists, working in six specialized research groups, Department of Botany offers the following degree programs in various cutting edge technologies of plant sciences:
1. BS – (4 years)
2. M. Sc. (2- years)
3. M. Phil. (2-3 years) and
4. Ph. D. (3-4 years)
Research Groups
1. Plant Ecology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Climate Change
2. Plant-Microbe Interactions
3. Plant Genetics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
4. Plant Physiology
5. Plant Taxonomy, Biodiversity Conservation and Pharmacognosy
6. Botanical Garden Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan