News Archive |
News Title Date |
Dr. Muhammad Arif Lodhi (Assistant Professor Bio-Chemistry) is awarded “Research Productivity Award
April 04, 2012 |
Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan Signs MoU with University of Rostock, Germany
April 04, 2012 |
STAFF REQUIRED Advertisement No. (31) 2012
April 05, 2012 |
Research Journal publication by Yasir Hassan Shah student of Computer science department
April 09, 2012 |
Notice for 2nd Convocation 2011
April 09, 2012 |
Research Journal by Ashraf Zia and Mushtaq Raza on Issues in Global Software Development in the Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications.
April 09, 2012 |
Mr. Shah Husain Awan Deputy Director QEC AWKUM has participated in a one day workshop on “Program Outcomes Identification and Assessment”
April 16, 2012 |
Dr Asad Ali, from Deptartment of Chemistry has published paper in a well reputed international journal.
April 18, 2012 |
Research Journal Publication by Dr. Hidayat Ullah from Faculty of Agriculture, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Anbar Campus on, "Selecting Mungbean Genotypes fro Fodder Production on The Basis of Degree of Indeterimancy and Biomass"
April 19, 2012 |
Dr. Hidayat Ullah from Faculty of Agriculture, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Anbar Campus, Published Paper in Impact Factor Journal "Pakistan Journal of Botany"
April 19, 2012 |
Dr. Hafiz Hussain Gulab, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry has been awarded the Research Productivity Award (RPA)
April 19, 2012 |
Dr. Abdul Wadood and Dr. M. Arif Lodhi published an article, in an international journal (Chem. Biol.Drug Des.)
April 19, 2012 |
Seminar on “Application of Statistical Computer Software (SPSS, EVIEWS)" in Resarch, Held on 18-04-2012.
April 20, 2012 |
Research Publication by Muhammad Zakarya and Izaz Ur Rahman from Department of Computer Science on "Towards Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Perceptions, Hurdles & Solutions"
April 21, 2012 |
Dr. Hidayat Ullah Published a Paper titled "Using A Minimum Tile Path For Plant Transformations Encom- passing the Entire Soybean Genome" in Journal of Plant Genome Sciences, USA.
April 21, 2012 |
Chief Minister Khyber pakhtunkhwa, Amir Haider Khan Hoti visited Abdul Wali Khan University and laid down the foundation stone of the mega construction project of the university at Palatoo,Sheikh Maltoon, Mardan.
April 24, 2012 |
25th April "World Malaria Day", an artical by Dr. Asad Ali
April 25, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Zahoor Ul Haq, Dean Faculty of Arts, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, presented the annual meeting of the prestigious Agricultural Economics Society (AES) held in University of Warwick from 16 to 18 April, 2012
April 26, 2012 |
A high Profiled Delegation visited Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Including Chairman Higher Education Commission Dr Javeed R Laghari, Professor Dr. S Sohail H Naqvi Executive Director HEC
April 26, 2012 |
Date Extented for Overseas Ph.D Scholarships, up to 30th April 2012
April 26, 2012 |
The Governor Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Chancellor Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Barrister Masoodv Kausar Visited Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan and inaugurated the New Building of the academic block at University College of Science at Shankar.
April 27, 2012 |
Dr. Asad Ali, Dr. Hidayat Ullah and Dr. Durishahwar Assistant Professor, AWKUM, Anbar Campus, Swabi Represented Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan in the Inaugural Ceremony of the "4th National World Intellectual Property Day"
April 27, 2012 |