Applications are invited from well established, well reputed firms/Shops holder, having vast experience in the relevant field, for Shops allotment at University shopping center, Garden Campus AWKUM. The applications should accompany with the following documents and information.
1. Copies of CNIC of Proprietor/Director.
2. Details of Departments/Organizations/Shops where the firm provided the above services. (Enclose performance certificate from such department / organization.
3. Affidavit to the effect that the firm/ company are not black listed and not indulged in any litigation with any Government Department/ Private organization)
4. Any other detail the firm wants to provide.
The documents pertaining to tender must reach the Procurement office on or before March 22, 2016 upto 10 AM in two separate envelops (Technical and Financial). Technical bids will be opened on the same day at 11.00 AM, in the presence of the suppliers or their authorized representatives, in the conference room of the University (AWKUM) at Garden campus.
Documents pertaining to tender along with details can be obtained from the Procurement Office of the University Garden Campus @ Rs. 2000/- in the shape of Bank Draft (Nonrefundable) on all working days from 08.00 AM to 04:00 PM.(Detail of Earnest Money is given in terms & conditions).
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
Tel. No. 0937-843368 / 0937-843360