Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan

Recommendations of the National Higher Education Conference 2016

Date: 05/02/2016


Recommendations of the National Higher Education Conference 2016 in Karachi organized by AWKUM-HEC-CPNE and Success Foundation
The Conference recognized that issues of security are creating lot of worries for our universities

01. Confusion regarding 18th amendment (Role of provincial and federal HEC
02. HEC should develop relationship with grass root level and schools
03. We need to look at quality at overall levels. Someone referred to this as total quality management.
04. We need further development on our human resources with better quality.
05. We have tried to move fast. in implementation of slower systematic approach could have been. Better. change is a slow process but has to be managed
06. Quality is always a receding target.
07. Faculty development training programs
08. Change of mind set of both teacher and students
09. Improve primary and secondary education
10. There should be a strong linkage between urban and rural universities
11. Faculty appointment criteria should be transparent.
12. HEI’s should produce leaders
13. We should plan according to market demand
14. Quality indicators like good infrastructure, conducing working environment, highly qualified faculty, high quality student intake
15. Political interference is too much in the universities
16. There should be strong university-school interaction
17. Policy formulation should be on local research
18. There should be no confusion between and HEC and provincial HEC
19. Good governance is key for quality improvement
20. Career counseling should be provided on university and school level.
21. Teacher student interaction needs to be improved
22. we can import policies from international higher education institutions but we have to apply it to the local context
23. There should be national commission for primary and secondary education sector
24. There should be reserved seats for people with disabilities and minorities
25. Extremism should be discouraged in universities
26. Policies should be strictly followed
27. Universities have to established quality assurance itself.
28. World peace and interfaith days should be celebrated in the universities.
29. Quality of education cannot be improved without improving the quality of teaching and learning.
30. Research topics for Mphil and PhD should be according to the subject criteria and scope.
31. Media should play its positive role in bringing quality in education.
32. Students should be given independence of learning.
33. We need to improve communication between Universities and Media
34. Until we give importance to character building security will continue to be our problem Social development.
35. Community service is important for students to participate in. this will develop character
36. Should there be a national Education policy. Who will make it? What role will be played by the Provinces and by the Federal Govt. who will coordinate this? This confussion needs to addressed.
37. So who should take the responsibility to educate the citizen of Pakistan?


