Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan

International Anti-Corruption Day

Date: 11/12/2015


Dozens of students passionately spoke against corruption and shared their experiences with the audience at a seminar that was jointly organized by AWKUM QEC and the department of journalism and mass communication on Thursday to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day.

The seminar theme was "Reporting corruption: Perception VS Reality". AWKUM organized week-long activities that also included an anti-corruption walk. Shiraz Paracha, the Director Quality and Chair of the journalism program, said that fact checking is extremely important while reporting corruption stories. "Perception of corruption must not be presented as actual corruption", he argued. Mr. Shiraz Paracha said reporters and anchors should check evidence and speak to all sides involved in a scandal before reporting it. He said that Transparency International (TI) annual corruption index report is wrongly presented in the media. The coverage of TI report in the Pakistan media creates an impression as if the Report is about actual corruption in a country. TI annual corruption index report is about perception of corruption, not actual corruption. "Perception is not always accurate", Paracha said. "Everyone is innocent until proven guilty at a legitimate law court". Mr. Paracha said that the job of a journalist is not to cause deliberate harm to anyone. Many students expressed their opinion about the issue of corruption and said that the society as a whole has to fight corruption. Shah Hussain, deputy director QEC, Farhad Safi and several other officials attended the event.


