Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan

Ajmal Khattak Awards

Date: 25/03/2013


The second Ajmal Khattak Adabi Awards Ceremony was held at khairabad (nowshera). In the field of literature and research, the award committee selected 16 books(as a whole) for the year 2012. The details of the selected 16 books (through regional perception) are as under.
10 books from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
01 book from Sindh
01 book from Punjab
04 books from Afghanistan

"Da Pakhtanu Naslee Serrana" book written by Mr. Asarjan and published by Pakhtunkhwa Study and Research Center AWKUM is one of the 10 books selected from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the year 2012

Brief Introduction:
A Comprehensive Review of the Israeli Theory of Pashtuns

Part 1
Ethnic and linguistic aspects of the Pashtun ethnicity
comparative chart of the Pashtun and Israel history
chart of indo European languages
criticism on Pashtun Pedigrees
Part 2
I Multilingual Charts with Introduction





