After successfully organizing 1st National Seminar on "Pakistan's Politics and Foreign Policy" held in April 2013, the Department of Political Science (AWKUM) is intending to arrange the 2nd National Seminar under promising title "Governance in Pakistan: Problem & Prospects". Abstracts/papers are invited for the said seminar on this broader theme as well as any related to the following sub-themes:
1. Problems of Governance in Pakistan
2. Centre-Province Disharmony in Pakistan
3. Ethnic and Sectarian Cleavages in Pakistan
4. Politicization of Administrative machinery in Pakistan
5. Challenges to Federalism in Pakistan and its solution
6. Executive Judiciary Relations
7. Issues of Public Policy (2007-2013)
8. Crisis of leadership in Pakistan
Important Dates:
Dead line for Abstracts: 20th January 2014.
Abstract Acceptance: 30th January 2014.
Conference Registration: 07th February 2014.
Submission of papers: 25th February
Dr. Zahid Marwat Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mr. Nauman Rayat
+92-331-8314699 +92-345-5257845 +92-333-9148314